#5769 – Lord Help Us

Good morning people who lean completely upon the grace and power of God.

Proverbs 17:15 MEV He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them are abomination to the Lord.

Proverbs 17:26 MEV Also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for their uprightness.

These scriptures so clearly speak into a sign of the times that we are living in. There are nicer things to write about, but it is important and imperative that we talk about real issues in the world today.

Persecution has always been part of a believer’s life. Jesus promised it, and for centuries, many have suffered terribly for righteousness’ sake. And it continues today.

It wasn’t too long ago that this was largely foreign to the western church. But not so any longer. The persecution may take on different forms, but if you are courageous enough to stand up for truth, you will be sorely tested.

Part of the reality of today’s world is seen in the verses above.

An increasing number of people are justifying the wicked, and condemning the just. If you celebrate what is evil, you are considered tolerant and wonderful, and if you hold onto the truth, you are considered intolerant and evil. The scripture tells us that both of these realities are an abomination to God.

So, what should we do, and what does Father want us to see and hear today?

Firstly, this is going to happen. Trying to avoid it is not Father’s plan. Walking through it with God’s wisdom and in God’s strength in His desire for us.

Secondly, stay connected to those who will walk with you. Community with believers who are committed to God and His kingdom ways is an essential part of our battle plan. Remember, we don’t fight flesh and blood – it’s spiritual – and yet, walking with flesh and blood is a key to winning the spiritual battle. We need each other!

Thirdly, let’s keep on praying for those who justify the wicked, and condemn the just. If God can save a terrorist named Saul as a result of Stephen praying for him while he was being martyred, just think what is possible through our prayers!

May increased salvations be the mark of this century.

#5768 – Bail Out Early

Good morning people who step away from trouble before it escalates.

Proverbs 17:14 MEV The beginning of strife is as when one lets out water; therefore abandon contention before a quarrel starts.

Abandon contention before a quarrel starts is such great advice.

I have found that many quarrels (fights) are avoidable if we are just willing to step back from a focus on being right. In fact, fighting for our rights is often like pouring fuel on a fire.

Now, I am not talking about not standing up for truth – not at all. Those of you who have read BIY for any length of time would know that I am big on not swaying at all from the truth. We need to be anchored to truth, and we need to be willing to be persecuted for righteousness’ sake.

But we need to make sure that it is actually for righteousness’ sake, and not because of our stubborn refusal to lose a battle.  

When there is a difference of opinion that is not based in truth, how do we respond in a conversation?

I now hear the Holy Spirit challenge us all with a similar question, but to shift the focus to when it is based in truth.

When there is a difference of opinion that is based on what we know is the truth, how do we respond in a conversation?

One of the important growth areas in my life has been learning to know which battles Father is asking me to fight. It is not my place to right every wrong. Nor is it my place to defend God.

When Father says to speak, I must speak the truth in love.

But when Father tells me to be quiet and hold my tongue (and it happens lots of times), I need to do just that.

How is your spiritual discernment on which battles Father wants you to fight?

#5767 – Process Matters

Good morning people who do not take character shortcuts on your way to accomplishments.

Proverbs 16:32 MEV He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.

It’s often been said that “the end justifies the means”. In other words, if you achieve your desired outcome, it doesn’t matter what you had to do to get there.

This is terrible advice and a terrible way to live. It is not good in business, and it is equally not good in relationships.

Process matters, as does character.

Proverbs tells us that “he who is slow to anger is better than the mighty”. It’s not about how strong you are, it’s about how godly you are. It’s not about what you can achieve, it’s about how people are treated and valued along the way.

We are also told that “he who rules his spirit is better than he who takes a city”. In other words, self-control is a big deal to God. Let’s talk about this for a moment.

Galatians 5:22-23 tells us that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit of God. This is an overflow of His life within us. God Himself is patient with people because He doesn’t want anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9). God requires the same from us, and it is for the same reason.

Too often, I have joked about my impatience. I have heard many others do the same. But I wonder if Father wants to put His finger on it today and call us all upward.

Achieving things for the glory of God is wonderful, but it must be that God is glorified in the process, and that people are edified in the process. This is what pleases God.

In your accomplishments and strength, is God glorified, and are people honoured?

#5766 – Embracing Maturity

Good morning people who live a life that is an accurate signpost to God.

Proverbs 16:31 MEV The gray-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness.

The goal is not to live to an old age, nor is it to stay young. The goal should be to live a life that results in a crown of glory, and this can only happen as we walk in the way of righteousness.

This scripture has a little word in it that is so significant. It is the word if.

Throughout scripture, there are countless wonderful promises of God. I love them! But they all come with an if. There is this irreversible and inescapable truth of sowing and reaping.

Now, back to our verse.

You and I are called to grow older gracefully, and by this, I mean, full of grace. Oh, to know and spend time with people who are advanced in years and full of the goodness of God! I am privileged to know many, and I am blessed by them all.

I myself am getting a little older (insert smiley face here). I struggled significantly when I turned forty years old. This was a moment of realisation that I was getting older, and at that time, it was not something that I wanted. But as I headed towards fifty, I had this realisation of the importance of mature aged people who walked closely with God, and through their life, accurately pointed others to God. This is who I wanted to be!

In a week, I am turning fifty-one. It’s not old, but I have a lack of hair, and the ones I do have now have plenty of gray in them. But I am embracing this beautiful season that is associated with living and walking in the way of righteousness!

How about you: have you purposed to live a life worth following until the day you die?

May we all be signposts who point people to our glorious and wonderful heavenly Father.

#5765 – Pleasant & Timely

Good morning people who release something wonderful through the words that you speak.

Proverbs 15:23 MEV A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, and a word spoken in due season, how good it is!

Proverbs 15:26 MEV The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord, but the words of the pure are pleasant words.

Oh, to be known for pleasant and timely words!

Have you ever heard the comment, “You just know the right thing to say!”?

It’s a wonderful thing to receive pleasant words at just the right time. It’s a joy to receive them, and it is also a joy to give them. And the truth is, you can be a dispenser of pleasant and timely words into people’s lives.

I guarantee every person reading this today is sometimes prompted to call someone and see how they are going. Maybe you feel a scripture for them, or it could be as simple as an encouraging word of gratitude for who they are and what they do.

Unfortunately, too many people don’t recognise this as the leading of the Holy Spirit. We excuse it as just our thoughts, and we put it aside as a distraction.

Now, go back to you receiving pleasant words from someone else.

How many times have you received a simple encouragement just when you needed it?

We all have! And yet, we are only receiving them because someone followed the leading of the Lord.

You and I can do the same! Yes, it might take a little effort, and yes, it might mean stepping out of our comfort zone. But it just might be exactly what someone needs right now. So, don’t delay! Pick up the phone, shoot them a text or an email, and together, let’s be known for words that release life and blessing.