#5784 – Reach Out Wider

Good morning people who are learning to love like God loves us.

I see a picture of us standing with our arms stretched out, and I hear the Lord say, “Reach out wider!” I also notice in this picture that our faces are turned up towards the expansive blue sky from our picture in yesterday’s BIY.

As we look to the Lord, we will learn to love like the Lord loves us. Oh, how wonderful is our God!

I see a picture of Jesus being stretched out wide on the cross of Calvary. Such perfect love displayed for all to see. Powerful love. Saving love. Redeeming love. Complete love.

And this is the love that you and I have been granted access to fully enter into. As we learn to embrace God’s love for us, we are empowered to release God’s love to others. There is a beautiful endless flow of receiving and giving that originates from God to us, and then through us to others.

How wide are your arms of love to others today?

Let’s not let hurt or disappointment or frustration keep us from loving well. Let’s not allow our waiting to hold us back from loving others now.

1 John 4:7 NIV Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

May we love like God loves us.