#6047 – Holy Ground

Good morning people who are the dwelling place of the Lord Most High.

Exodus 3:5 NIV “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”

The context of this is Moses encountering God at the burning bush. It is an awesome account of a person meeting with God.

As I meditate on this today, here are the words that Father has used to speak to me:

“The place where you are standing is holy ground.”

As the people of God, we are called to be holy even as God is holy (1 Peter 1:16). We are to be set apart for noble purposes (2 Timothy 2:21). We are holy unto the Lord.

As the people of God, we are the dwelling place of God (1 Corinthians 6:19, Galatians 2:20). God literally lives in us by His Spirit.

Therefore, as holy people, the place where we are standing should be holy ground.

I am not talking about a physical piece of ground. I am talking about where you are, because you are there.

If you are with your family, God is there because He is in you.

If you are meeting with your friends, God is there because He is in you.

If you are going into a business meeting, God is there because He is in you.

If you are watching entertainment, God is there because He is in you.

Wherever you go, God is there, and God is holy.


#6046 – Align My Priorities

Good morning people who live your lives as a signpost to the Father.

The last couple of days of BIY and today are really saying the same thing in a different way. I am writing this because I feel it is so much on Father’s heart for us as the people of God.

“Father, cleanse my lens.”

“Father, refine my focus.”

“Father, align my priorities.”

I absolutely love the words of twelve year old Jesus. I believe it is to be the heart posture of all of us as children of God.

Luke 2:49 NKJV And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?”

You are never too young or too old to not be about your heavenly Father’s business. We were not saved just so that we could be safe. Our walk with God should never be restricted or reduced to, “Me and God are good and that’s all that matters.”

People all around the world need an encounter with God! The Father’s heart yearns for every person to know Him.

Sin separated people from God, but the Son of God restored this relationship. God sent Jesus to seek and to save the lost.

God is now sending you and me to also be an accurate signpost to the Father through Jesus.

It’s time to align our priorities with the priorities of heaven.


#6045 – Refine My Focus

Good morning people who continue to remain in step with the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 3:6 NKJV In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

I can easily get distracted. This is not something I have to work at or try to do.

Therefore, I find myself praying, “Father, refine my focus.”

I absolutely have a choice in what I give my attention to. Father will not force me to focus on one thing instead of another. I have to choose. But as it is with everything, when we ask God to help us, He does.

The success of this year will largely be connected to the lens that we look through and what we choose to give our attention to.

There is a need for the people of God to go to deeper levels in God. The elementary foundation of our walk with God is discovering who He is and what He has said. Part of this joyous process is knowing what is right and knowing what is wrong. It is essential.

But I believe that maturity is seen in those who give their attention to what is best.

You might say, “Well Steve, what is right is best.” I agree.

But I believe that a refining of focus is often found in being Spirit-led in the multiple options of many right and good things. Please read this again.

I continually ask Father, “What is it time for?”

His answer is what is best for me in that moment.


#6044 – Cleanse My Lens

Good morning people who earnestly desire to walk in the Light of Truth.

Psalm 119:18 NIV Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.

I find myself praying, “Father, cleanse my lens.”

We know that a lens is something that we look through and it changes how we see things. According to the dictionary, a lens also involves the concentrating or dispersing of light rays.

Our vision must not be separated from the light of God. Let me explain.

Have you ever been asked the question, “How do you see this?”

It’s a common one and it is to do with our opinion or thoughts on something. There are times when this is OK, but there are many times when this question is a wrong question to ask.

Here is the question that a Christian should be frequently asking:

“Father, how do You see this?”

While this question sounds a bit radical for some, it is the right question for us all. The sooner we can move beyond ourselves and our thoughts and feelings to God’s thoughts and feelings and how He sees things, the better things will be.

We are empowered by seeing things accurately, and by accurately I mean, according to God’s truth, not simply by natural facts. We are of a spiritual kingdom my friends.

If you’ve had a pair of glasses, you would know that you need to clean them periodically. You don’t do this because the lens doesn’t work, but because something external is on the lens that is obstructing you from seeing according to the lens’s full potential. It is equally true in the spiritual.

May we be people who allow the Word of God and the Spirit of God to be the Author of Truth in our lives.

“Father, cleanse my lens.”


#6043 – Get Started

Good morning people who make a decision to take the first step.

One of the hardest parts of finishing something is starting something. That said, there is a 100% chance of not finishing something that you haven’t started.

God has placed dreams and thoughts and plans in your heart. There are things that Father has spoken to you about; things He has called you to do and to be.

When God spoke, you might have had a sense of YES; a rejoicing and a leaping in your heart; a faith-filled expectation. If this is you, then my encouragement is to start that which God has spoken to you. The exception to this is if God has clearly told you that it is not yet time. Otherwise, take the first step.

For others, when God spoke, your response was fear and trembling. Perhaps Father said something impossibly large to you, or maybe it was something that you simply don’t want to do. Don’t believe the lie that, if it is from God, it will leap in your heart and it will be what you want. Jesus didn’t want to go to the cross, but He did because it was His Father’s will.

If God’s word to you was met with apprehension, then I equally encourage you to take the first step. Remember, the hardest part is getting started. There is a very real enemy who does not want you to take a step of faith and trust in God. He will throw distraction and logical reason at you to keep you stationary. Don’t listen to him. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t rely on logic.

This year is going to be a year of increased signs, wonders and miracles! God is going to move powerfully in and through His people. And His desire is to live large and receive glory from YOUR LIFE.

It’s time to get started – for the glory of God.