#5720 – Wisdom is Truth

Good morning people who keep on coming back to God’s often stated truth.

Proverbs 8:6-7 MEV Hear, for I (wisdom) will speak of excellent things, and from the opening of my lips will be right things; for my mouth will speak truth, and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

I am struck by the repetition of thoughts and instructions in the Book of Proverbs. In fact, it is not restricted to Proverbs, but throughout the Bible, many statements are often repeated.

Why is this?

Firstly, because it is important enough to God to state it more than once, and secondly, because He knows that we keep on drifting from truth. Therefore, we do well to heed the repeated words and themes of the Bible, and it is to this end that I will continue to state the truth of God’s Word, even if I have already stated it many times before.

Wisdom is the Holy Spirit speaking, and His words are more than just good options or suggestions. God’s Word is truth. Wisdom is truth.

Anything spoken by any person at any time that is contrary to what is clearly stated in God’s Word is incorrect. I don’t care if they have more letters after their name than the alphabet – wrong is wrong, and contrary to the Word of God is not truth!

I like the line in the verse above that says, from the opening of my lips will be right things; for my mouth will speak truth. God doesn’t have small talk that is insignificant and then work His way up to what is right and true. No! Every word from God is right and true, and it starts at the opening of His lips.

The verse finishes by stating wickedness is an abomination to my lips. The word wickedness here simply means wrong, and abomination means something disgusting. From this, we need to clearly understand that speaking wrong – what is contrary to what is right and truth – is disgusting to God.

It’s time to reclaim purity of speech, and this comes from knowing God and speaking in alignment with His heart and His words.