Good morning people who release the promises of God through your obedience.
Proverbs 2:7 MEV He lays up sound wisdom for the righteous; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly.
God’s love is unconditional because God is love. God cannot be incongruent or inconsistent with His very nature. God is love.
But God’s promises to His people are conditional. Knowing this truth is very life-giving.
God is a shield – this is wonderful! He is a protector, a strong tower and a mighty fortress.
Proverbs 18:10 MEV The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower! Wonderful!
But we must not stop with the first part of this divine truth.
It is the righteous who can run into it and be safe.
God is a shield to those who walk uprightly. Praise the Lord!
But there is a condition.
It is those who walk uprightly (are righteous) who can access God as a shield of protection.
Jesus said it this way in the Gospel of John:
John 15:14 MEV “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.”
Friendship with God is the pinnacle of life, but it is only available to those who do what God says.
May we all walk in the fulfilment of the promises of God as we willingly embrace the conditions of the promises.
May our lives bring glory to God as we become a clearer reflection of Jesus.