#4872 – Greater Suffering

Good morning people who do not step back due to increased persecution.

Paul had suffered for the cause of Christ and because of his love for the church (as imperfect as it was). This is incredible.

But then he makes a statement which really speaks volumes for us today and is a spiritual challenge for the church.

Colossians 1:24 NIV Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.

Paul knew that his present sufferings were not equal to that of Jesus, yet he had suffered lots. In this acknowledgment, he was not bitter that God hadn’t kept him from suffering, but rather he says that he is willing to go through much more for the sake of the church.

Paul – like most of the early disciples of Jesus, as well as countless other believers throughout history – literally laid down his life for Christ and for the advancement of the gospel. This saw the church grow as the powers of darkness lost and the kingdom of light won!

These are days when the church must be willing to pay the price to honour God. Part of this honouring God is seen in our honouring of the church whom Jesus loves dearly.

How is your love for the church?

As part of the church whom Jesus loves, are you willing to suffer along with those who stand up for righteousness?