#3108 – What is Needed

Good morning people who walk with the One and Only True God

God just is.

Exodus 3:14 NIV God said to Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you.’”

You would think that “I am who I am” simply means what it says. Yet I felt prompted to look up the Hebrew meaning of this self-given description by God.

Here’s what I saw: ‘to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass, has been’.

I don’t know if you see what I see here, but “I am” does not just speak to the present tense as it would read to us in the English language. No, it talks about past, present and future, all the time, continuously.

I read this and I am deeply moved by Who our God is and the wonderful life-giving affect this has in our lives.

God is saying, “I have been Who I needed to be, I am Who I need to be, and I will be Who I need to be”.

I hope you got that.

God has been, God is, and God will be Who I need…always.