#181 – In Control

Good morning people in control

Too many times we try to change things that are out of our control rather than focusing on changing things that are in our control.

We can not change other people but we can change our response to them. We can’t change the way our boss treats us but we can change the way we speak to him. We can’t change the length of the queue at the bank but we can change our attitude while we are waiting. We can’t change the fact that someone forgot something important to us but we can change what we think about them as a result. We can’t change that someone has hurt us but we can change how we will treat them.

The bottom line is there are many things we can’t change and other people is at the top of the list. But that doesn’t mean our joy and peace has to go up and down depending on what others do. You see joy and peace are the fruit of the Holy Spirit and we can choose to guard our hearts and walk in it. You might say “I can’t control how I feel when others let me down”. The truth is you can. This is as hard for me to hear as it is for you. If we are out of control with our feelings then we are in control of being out of control. It’s no one else’s fault; it’s our choice. We can take responsibility and we can make healthy choices that enable us to walk in freedom despite what others do.

Today let’s focus on being in control of our lives; our emotions and responses; and let’s see what God can do in us and through us.

Psalm 51:10 (God’s Word) Create a clean heart in me, O God, and renew a faithful spirit within me.