#13 – Church Participation

Good morning God-honouring people.

The other day my youngest daughter Brianna asked me this question. “Do you ever wish Church was more often?” She went on to explain how much she loves going and how she feels close to God in worship. Brianna wishes Church was more than once a week. How about you?

We are living in a time where many people are ‘casual Church attenders’. It used to be a non-negotiable, that’s what we do. Going to Church wasn’t an option, it was a privilege. Nowadays many go ‘if they feel like it’. The excuses are many and varied and can be as simple as I’m tired, I’ve had a busy week or I don’t really like his preaching. Many have lost sight of the importance of meeting together and encouraging one another in the Lord.

If our focus for going is right I believe we will make it a priority and a non-negotiable. I go not only to meet with God in worship, learn from His Word and enjoy friendships; I go every Sunday (or Saturday like last night) with this thought: “How can I bless someone today?” That’s why I titled this ‘Church Participation’, not ‘Church Attendance’. Maybe going to Church to ‘give’ and not just ‘receive’ is something closer to the heart of God. Why do you go to Church? Do you wish Church was more often?

Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another