#104 – Generations

Good morning faithful ones

As I read through the Old Testament I am deeply saddened by the amount of times godly kings were succeeded by sons that ‘did evil in the eyes of the Lord’. There were many kings who led their countries well yet neglected to give attention to ‘training up their children in the way they should go’. I believe the family is under huge attack today and many times we base the success of our lives and even ministry on what we achieve outside the home; at Church, business, sport etc. Sure we must be diligent in all that God has entrusted to us and we should be faithful in these areas, but never at the expense of our families. This is not biblical and it is not honourable yet it happens too often. I know I am going tough on this one today but I feel strongly about this and it needs to be said. It’s time to re-establish God’s priority and to raise up generations who ‘do what is right in the eyes of the Lord, not turning aside to the right or to the left.’

‘There is no condemnation to those in Christ’, that’s what the Bible says. Therefore I am not speaking condemnation to those who may not have done this; my prayer is that God will restore and return the prodigal sons. I do however want to strongly encourage those of us where there is still time, to focus on imparting principles of truth and modelling a godly way to live to our children; this is what we are called to do. I am charging you today in the Name of the Lord to pick up your responsibility to raise up a godly generation of people who know their God. It is time to give priority to what is dear to God’s heart; families that reproduce after the character of God. It’s time for us to take the primary responsibility and not to leave it up to others to teach our children the ways of God. I’m not talking about teaching truths only but I am talking about modelling Christ as well. Teaching truth without living truth is hypocrisy. Remember the Bible says it’s ‘Christ in us that’s the hope of glory.’ Please join me in making a commitment to raise up a generation who know their God and who walk in His ways all the days of their lives.

Proverbs 22:6 (CEV) Teach your children right from wrong, and when they are grown they will still do right.

God bless you in this journey.