Good morning people whose gratitude overflows into passion for the Lord.
Too many Christians are living like they’ve been hosed down. For some, their faith-filled passion has given way to a ho-hum settled Christian life that is simply content to be saved and to sometimes go to church. This is not what we were saved for!
We have been saved from sin, and all of us are so very grateful for this. Praise the Lord for His forgiveness, mercy and grace! Praise God that Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.
And it is this revelation that needs to be regularly revisited! The following verse speaks so powerfully into what I feel in my heart today:
Psalms 51:12 NIV Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.
A restored joy of being saved by God is the correct fuel for a passion-filled life.
I believe that God is looking for some ‘wild ones’ whose passion is not contained!
I believe that God is looking for some ‘burning ones’ whose passion is contagious!
Why is it that the world parties hard in the wrong places and their passion for sin is so ‘in-your-face’?
It’s all a counterfeit, which is the only thing that the devil is good at!
It’s time for the people of God to be so captivated by the awesome beauty and majesty of God, that our passion for Him is uncontainable!
It’s time to reclaim passion!