#5585 – Run to God

Good morning people who are safest in the hands of a loving Father.

Psalms 18:1-3 NIV I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.

Our Lord and God is more wonderful, awesome and powerful than words could ever articulate! Whatever we think about the goodness and magnificence and glory of God, it is more; He is more!

It is a good thing to tell the Lord we love Him. I know that this is a simple and foundational thing to say, but I feel it might just be a key to a breakthrough for some of you today.

Your God is worthy of your adoration and affection and delight today. Whether you have just seen a breakthrough, or you are still waiting for a breakthrough, “I love You Lord” most definitely looks good on you and is right from your lips.

If you need strength, run to the Lord. If you need deliverance, run to the Lord. If you need stability, run to the Lord. If you need a stronghold to protect you, run to the Lord.

Salvation from our enemies comes from the Lord. And here’s the interesting part of this undeniable truth: salvation from our enemies can be our reality even if it appears our enemies have won. In other words, it is more of an internal reality than a physical reality (while sometimes it can be both).

Some people have literally lost their lives for the cause of Christ, and yet it is true: they have been saved from their enemies, because even death could not win and rob them of their eternity security in God!

May we see as Father sees, and may God always be glorified by our lives.