Good morning people who live in the truth of God’s unfailing Word.
John 8:31-32 NIV To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
We live in days when many people talk about “their truth”. Many people believe that what they believe is truth simply because they believe it. They are deceived.
Here’s what I heard the Lord say:
“Your version of truth = deception. There is only one truth, and it’s not a version, it’s biblical.”
It’s time for people to come back to God’s Word. It’s time to fully embrace truth as per the Word of God.
It’s time for many to repent and return to God’s way.
The world does not determine truth, God does.
The government does not determine truth, God does.
Feelings don’t determine truth, God does.
Identifying with something doesn’t make something truth.
Living in the masterful and flawless plans and purposes of God and His holy calling and creation is truth!
Do you know and live by the truth of God’s Word?
This is the only place where true and lasting freedom is found.