#5292 – God’s Gift of Time

Good morning people who are privileged to live every moment for God’s glory.

On this first day of a new year, Father wants me to talk about a gift of God that is often not stewarded well.

The reason for this is because many do not see this as a gift from God, but it most certainly is.

I want to talk about God’s gift of time.

Psalms 90:12 NIV Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Moses wrote this Psalm, and he was not talking about ticking off the calendar of how many specific days we have been alive.

Moses is pointing us to live every day for the glory of God. He is highlighting that moments matter.

In this simple instruction from this man of God, we hear the focus of living life with a sense of divine purpose and holy calling.

Escaping life is not God’s plan. Living life is God’s plan.

The result will be a heart of wisdom. In other words, we will have God’s perspective on all that we are walking through. We will know how He sees things and what He requires from us each step along life’s path.

Time is a gift from God and time is to be lived for the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.