Good morning people who are filled to overflowing with the goodness and grace of God!
2023 will be a year of “firsts” and “abundance” IN GOD.
God is calling us as His people to run into 2023 with increased faith and confidence IN GOD!
God is equipping us and maturing us for greater things IN GOD and through God to others.
God is looking for a people who are sold out, locked in and stirred up in their most holy faith.
God is not looking for human perfection – and we are all very grateful for this!
But He is equally looking for people who don’t make excuses because of their own human imperfection!
We don’t honour God by saying NO to “firsts” and “abundance” IN GOD due to a wrong fixation and focus on ourselves!
It’s time for God to live large in us and through us!
It’s time to power into a new year of opportunity IN GOD!
It’s time to prepare the way for the Lord!
It’s time for the following scripture to become our focus, pursuit and prayer for 2023:
Habakkuk 2:14 NIV For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
So, come on you prophetic warriors, LET’S GO!