Good morning people who are focused more on God than on anything else.
Psalms 119:10 NIV I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.
The greatest empowerer of not straying from God’s commands is found in David’s statement: ‘I will seek you with all my heart.’ Oh, how important is our focus and flow!
When God is centre of our attention, we will not stray from His commands.
If we find ourselves getting off track – and we all will at times – we can very quickly realign it by getting our eyes back on God and His goodness.
Every sin can be traced back to a wrong view of God. In fact, every sin can be traced back to us being in our view, not God being in our view.
Satan fell when he was thinking about himself more than God.
Adam and Eve fell when they were thinking about themselves more than God.
David fell when he was thinking about himself more than God.
Peter fell when he was thinking about himself more than God.
You and I fall when we think about ourselves more than God.
What is the answer?
Seek God with all our heart. Pursue Him. Feast on Him. Delight in Him. Honour Him. Love Him and live in His love.