Good morning people who are ambassadors for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jeremiah 1:9 NIV Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth.”
God is looking for people who will allow Him to touch their mouth and put His words in their mouth. Both of these things take surrender and trust.
Too many believers are focused on what they think, what they feel and what they want to say. Even when these things are valid, we can easily get off course because our focus is on ourselves, not on God or on others.
God is looking for selfless people. God is looking for sacrificial people. God is looking for bold people.
God is looking for people with sanctified hearts and with sanctified lips. God is looking for people with a pure motivation.
God is also looking for people whose words creatively release others into God’s divine destiny and purpose. God is looking for prophetic people who strengthen, encourage and comfort others.
God is looking for people who accept His invitation to be His mouthpiece.
Will you be one of these people who carry His heart and speak on His behalf and for His glory?