Good morning people who are eager to hear what the Lord wants to say.
John 16:12 NIV “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.”
Jesus is the Word and the Word speaks! Therefore, He will always have more to say to us.
I find it a delightful thing that God wants to speak to us!
I also find it very delightful that there will always be an immeasurable amount that I do not know about God and spiritual truth. This is a wonderful thing because I don’t want a small and finite God!
And I also love the truth that God reveals truth to us bit by bit.
Jesus effectively said, “If I revealed all the truth to you in one hit, it would literally blow your mind!”
Don’t you love how much God loves us! He knows what we can handle. He knows when to share deeper revelation with us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.
And never forget, if you aren’t hearing something from God, keep leaning into Him for Him. Don’t reduce your prayers to receiving what you want. It’s all about knowing God better. His silence in a season can be His invitation into more of Him!
Speak Lord, we are listening.