#5056 – Called by God

Good morning people whose value is found in God calling you to Himself.

2 Peter 1:3 NIV His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

God has called us to Himself.

It has never been about us joining a religion. It has never been about us trying harder or achieving more in order to somehow reach a level that would tip the scales so that God might accept us.

It has always been about God calling us into deep friendship and fellowship with Him.

And how can He do this if we miss the mark so much?

He does it by His own glory and goodness!

Once again, I declare: This is the essence of the gospel; this is the good news!

It has never been about us reaching up to God. It always starts with God. It always starts with God reaching out to us. It always starts with God’s glory and goodness.

I am convinced that God is nicer than we think. I am convinced that God wants relationship with us more than we want it with Him. I am convinced that He wants to go deeper and deeper in intimacy with every one of us. I am convinced there is more!

So, today, I encourage you to move beyond your perceived limitations and your actual imperfections – they are not a barrier to God! He is with you, He is for you, and He invites you into His glory and into His goodness today.

Will you receive His invitation into more of Him?