#4927 – Put on Love

Good morning people who launch into a new year wearing love every day.

Colossians 3:14 NIV And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

We finished last year forgiving others as Jesus forgave us.

From this place of freedom in Christ, let’s step into a new year and a new season of clothing ourselves every day with God’s love.

Firstly, we must continue to receive God’s love.

Sometimes it is good to simply think about God’s love and to thank Him for His love. It is good to consider the countless ways that God’s love has been and continues to be displayed and poured out on us. May we always be captivated and fuelled by God’s indescribable love. (Why not start your year doing my 7-day YouVersion devotion Indescribable Love)

Secondly, we must continue to pass on God’s love.

This is intentional. This is something that will often cost us. This is something that will take a denying of ourselves, and a greater focus on God revealing His heart to others, rather than a focus on us feeling good ourselves.

But I believe this is the way that God is calling us to live this year.

God’s love is what will change the world.