#464 – Greater Love

Good morning people who love like Christ did

John 13:34-35 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

The new command Jesus gave wasn’t just ‘love one another’. This was already an established command. The focus here is the way Jesus is instructing us to love others; ‘in the same way that I loved you’.

Jesus said this just after He had washed the feet of His disciples; ones He knew would betray Him and let Him down. He knew what they were going to do yet He lowered Himself to the status of a servant and washed the dirt and the dust from their feet. This act shows the love of Jesus so incredibly clearly.

And then He tells us to love people the same way. Don’t just love them when they are nice and doing you good. Jesus told us to love people even when we know they will mistreat us. This is what it is saying and this is a difficult teaching.

Today maybe our prayer should simply be, “Father help me to see what loving people like Jesus did actually looks like for me in my situation and with those I know”. A change of perspective might be needed but the result is God will be honoured by our lives.