#4338 – Speaking Right

Good morning people who speak by the Spirit of God

Matthew 22:43a NIV He said to them, “How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him ‘Lord’?

Jesus was talking about King David, and it was this one little phrase that leapt off the page at me: ‘Speaking by the Spirit.’

Are the words that we speak by the Spirit or of the flesh?

Now, I am not saying that every word from our mouth is to be a prophetic word. This is not true in my life and it is not true in yours.

But I am stirred.

Are all of my words in alignment with what the Holy Spirit would say?

I don’t want to set up an impossible standard or to come under the yoke of legalism. This is not my intention today for any of us.

I simply want to encourage us all to not use any careless words. I want to encourage us to live continually being filled by the Holy Spirit and to pray in the Holy Spirit. I want to encourage us to be careful what comes out of our mouth.

May God Himself be the Lord of our tongue.