#4311 – Serving Selflessly

Good morning people who honour God with the sacrifice of your life

1 Samuel 2:17 NIV This sin of the young men was very great in the Lord’s sight, for they were treating the Lord’s offering with contempt.

Again we see the spirit of entitlement.

The context here is Hophni and Phinehas (Eli’s two sons) were taking whatever they wanted from the people who were coming to sacrifice to God.

When we are serving God and people, are we taking from people what we want…or are we giving to people what they need?

Love gives!

These two sons of Eli were ‘treating the Lord’s offering with contempt’.

Contempt is a strong Word, but it is an accurate word when selfishness and personal gain is the motivation for why they were “serving”.

What is the motivation for why we serve people?