#4 – Giving Honour

Good morning honouring people!

Today I want to honour my mum. She is an amazing woman of God and she is so much fun to be around. She has a word in season when she speaks yet she has a great ability to have fun; lots of fun. She holds family in the highest honour and there is nothing that she would not do for us. My mum is a great example to me and she is very special. I like my mum and today I want to honour her.

The Bible says ‘give honour to whom honour is due’. Honour is simply saying ‘You are very valuable’. There needs to be lots more honour in our world today. Every person should feel valued by us. Jesus valued us so much He gave up His life for us. He has told us to honour others in the same way He honoured us. In fact He goes a step further and says I’ll know how much you honour Me by how much you honour others.

It’s not hard to honour; it just takes a little time and a focus on others instead of yourself. A kind word, a smile, a thank you, a complement, a helping hand, a second chance