#38 – Today

Good morning my friends

Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forward.

These are incredible words for each of us today. Sometimes we live life focused so much on what we will do one day. It might be something we are looking forward to like taking that holiday, learning to ride a horse or visiting a friend or family member. It might be something we know we need to do like starting some exercise (again), cleaning out the shed our wife has asked us to many times or making things right with God. It might be something we really don’t want to do like forgiving that person that has hurt us deeply or changing our behaviour. Whatever it is, and I’m sure there is something for all of us, today is the best day to do it.

The truth is none of us have a guarantee of a tomorrow. Without sounding morbid, today could be our last day, so simply put, let’s live this day for the glory of God. Let’s plan to do those ‘one day’ things today. Let’s get the ball rolling on those things that we know we should do but we constantly put it off.

Lastly, the verse says ‘we don’t know what a day may bring forward’ and that’s the truth. It may be a day of endless joy for you but it also may be a day of some serious challenges. Whatever comes our way, by God’s strength, we are able to make this a God-honouring day. Remember, without Him we can do nothing (John 15:5) but we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength (Phil 4:13). Our awesome Saviour has given today to us as a gift, together let’s live it for His glory. We can you know.