#3152 – Praying for You

Good morning my dear BIY friends

Psalm 16:9 NIV Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.

This is my prayer for you today.

I pray your heart is glad. I pray that you find joy in the presence and pursuit of God. I pray you have the oil of joy for gladness. I pray God’s peace results in God’s joy in your life. I pray God bubbles up on the inside and manifests on the outside. I speak joy and gladness to you today in Jesus’ Name.

I pray your conversation is one of rejoicing and gladness. I pray that even in uncertainty and difficulty, you will find your breath to praise God for His goodness. I pray the testimony of Paul and Silas, Joseph and Daniel will be your testimony today as well. I pray rejoicing turns to the supernatural intervention of God. I pray these things in Jesus’ Name.

I pray strength, health, life and vitality to your body; physically, emotionally and mentally. I speak fulness of Christ’s provision to every part of who you are. I pray life abundant and overflowing. I pray new for old and freedom from pain. I pray for a miraculous touch of God in every part in Jesus’ Name.

This is my prayer for you today.