#3101 – Generous Givers

Good morning people who are a reflection of a generous God

God is a generous Giver, and we called to be generous people.

John 3:16 (NIV) For God so LOVED the world that He GAVE His ONE AND ONLY SON, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The expression of love is giving – God loved, therefore He gave.

The quality of love is our best – God gave His One and Only Son.

The result of love is blessing others – God’s giving resulted in eternal life for us.

“Is the expression of love evident to others? Are we generous givers?”

“When we give, do we give our best?”

“Are other people’s lives enriched and blessed by how we live and love?”

We are created in God’s image, and God is a generous Giver.

“Are we?”