#3009 – Extended Space

Good morning people who listen on the go and take extended time to listen to Father

Prophetic people don’t stay on life’s treadmill – they regularly create extended space to listen to Father.

I have heard it said that a rut is a grave with the ends knocked out of it. I also think about a treadmill, and although for exercise sake they can do us good, there is a lot of movement yet we are still in the same place.

Father has a plan for our lives; He has a pathway for us that He desires to walk along with us.

Because we are not God, sometimes we take unscheduled detours, pit stops or simply continue on a pre-set course even though Father wants to take us in a new direction.

I have learnt that I need to have heard God speak and I need to continue to listen to God on the journey. God is allowed to change directions, instructions, speed, altitude…in fact, anything He wants to.

But I have also learnt that I need to create extended space to listen to Father. Listening ‘on the go’ sometimes just doesn’t cut it. God loves to sit with us – He really does.

“Ís it time for you to take some extended time to sit with God?”

It will do you good.