#30 – Life’s A Miracle

Good morning living, breathing, walking miracle of God!!!

Life is a miracle given to us by Almighty God. He created us, breathed life into us and said live life for my glory. None of us have a guarantee of a tomorrow so how are we going to live today? Are we going to take it for granted or live it as the miracle that it is? Life is a gift from God; a gift to be treasured; a gift to be honoured. You have a choice today how you live. It is not up to anyone else but you. Sure there are external influences in our life but we choose how we live it.

Every choice we make, every action, every word, every response should be a supernatural reflection of who God is. There are no wasted moments in this miracle of life. Every moment counts. Today your life can bless and encourage or curse and pull down. We can respond in love or react from selfishness. The power of our choice is amazing and I pray every one of us makes every moment of today a God-honouring and people-building moment. Honour the gift; honour the miracle of life; honour every person and honour our God who authored it all.

2 Corinthians 6:1 Companions, as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please don’t squander one moment of this marvellous life God has given us.