#276 – Connections

Good morning children of God

I feel God stirring my heart about our connections. Who are you connected with? Who do you learn from? Who speaks into your life? Who influences you?

Our connections can make the difference between life and death. Many times we place ourselves in environments and situations that drain us and pollute our souls. We need to be intentional about making right connections.

We need to be connected to God. This is always our first priority and it is also our greatest privilege in life. We are connected to Him at the moment of salvation but we must ensure we stay connected and in tune with Him every moment of every day.

We also need to be connected to great people. You have the ability to choose your friends. The Bible gives us some good advice about making friends: A person who has friends (wants friends) must be friendly himself. Don’t wait for friends to come along; initiate. When you see someone who inspires you, uplifts you and encourages you, initiate a coffee. Make time to sit with someone older and wiser; make a connection with someone you can learn from. Be proactive. Be intentional. Cut off from negative influences and stay connected to God and people that will be a blessing to you.