#2135 – Devote Yourself

Good morning people who make adjustments in life as required

Ezra 7:10 (NIV) For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.

Ezra was a man of God who had given himself to understanding the Word of God; he was devoted to knowing, understanding and teaching God’s Word.

“What have you devoted yourself to?”

This word ‘devoted’ is not a causal word. It is not talking about giving something a momentary thought or even taking action once or twice. This word ‘devoted’ is much stronger than that.

To be ‘devoted’ means to give yourself wholeheartedly to something. It is talking about giving focused attention and a priority of time to something. It is about placing a high value on something, and there is always external evidence to this decision and focus.

Being devoted to things God has made is great. Many people are devoted to other people – and this is wonderful because God made people. We can be devoted to our marriage, our children, our friends and our church. But the problem comes when we are devoted to them more than to God Himself. We must never become more devoted to the gifts of God (including people) than to God Who gives the gifts.

“So, evidenced by time, thoughts and actions, what are you devoted to?”

“Has something of God (or possibly not of God) taken the place of God as your top devotion in life?”