#2122 – Love Changes

Good morning people who partner with what God is doing in people’s lives

A few days ago I made this statement: I believe there is a fine line between subtle, well-intentioned manipulation and control, and genuine love and concern. Permit me to talk a little more about the subtleness of some of our decisions.

“Why do we say the things we do to people who are making wrong decisions in life?”

Sometime back God spoke to me and made this statement: People need to know what you are for, more than what you are against. He also said to me: If they already know what you think about their behaviour, don’t mention it again unless I specifically tell you to. This was the truth I needed to hear.

When we constantly talk about wrong behaviour, we are subtly reinforcing the lie that behaviour is more important than our heart towards God – it’s not. Also this focus on removing the negative constantly highlights the negative. God doesn’t do this. He speaks to our potential even when we don’t yet know Him.

The subtlety of this in my life was adding comments to the person on top of my prayers to God for them. In these situations (when God hasn’t asked me to speak to them) I am speaking because of a subtle and unconscious thought that maybe my prayers are not enough. This is subtly saying that maybe the Holy Spirit is not capable of doing His part. The longer I walk this journey, the more I realise the Holy Spirit is excellent at revealing Himself to people, and when I constantly speak up, I often push people away.

It’s God’s kindness that leads people to God, not my words.

Romans 2:4 (NIV) Or do you show contempt for the riches of His kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that Gods kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?

Let’s replace our lectures with love; this is what makes a difference.