#2106 – High Esteem

Good morning people who greatly value our Lord and Saviour

“Do you hold God in high honour or low esteem?”  

The Lord Jesus Christ was the Eternal Word made flesh and He made His dwelling among us. He put aside His rightful place of Divinity and stepped down into humanity and subjected Himself to the very ones He created for a love relationship.

It was these people who mistreated the King of kings and the Lord of lords beyond human description. This is what the prophet Isaiah prophesied would happen to our Lord and Saviour, the Righteous Lamb of God:

Isaiah 53:3 (NIV) He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces He was despised, and we held Him in low esteem.

As I read this verse, I felt God challenge me about us as Believers today. Here’s what I felt:

‘Are we much different today? We look down on those who despised and rejected Jesus when He walked in the flesh 2,000 years ago…but are we much different? Even as Believers today, we can despise the working of God in our lives and reject His authority. Even as Believers today, we can hide our faces from Him and not seek His face. Even as Believers today, we too can hold Him in low esteem. Sure it is not as blatant or as brutal, but holding in low esteem is holding in low esteem.’

I’m challenged afresh today to not take our wonderful Saviour for granted. I’m challenged to keep Him first and to keep Him the priority in my day. I’m committed to living my life for His glory.

“Will you join me?”