#2093 – Your Attention

Good morning people who choose to think about Almighty God

Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV) I lift up my eyes to the mountainswhere does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

“What gets your attention the most?”

I believe the greatest way to overcome the enemy is to not focus on the enemy but to focus on the greatness of Who our God is. It’s like going into a dark room; you don’t focus on chasing out the darkness – you turn on the light.

“So, what gets your attention the most?”

Spiritual warfare is something that every follower of Jesus should engage in when necessary. But unfortunately, some become focused on fighting the enemy more than they do on celebrating their God. In fact, I wonder if sometimes our spiritual battle lasts longer than it needs to due to the focus of our attention.

“When it comes to other problems that we might have, what gets your attention the most?”

Does your sickness get more attention than your Divine Healer? Does your relationship get more attention than your Restorer? Does your sin get more attention than your Righteousness? Do your habits get more attention than your Freedom? Does your lack and your needs get more attention than your Provider? Does your lack of understanding get more attention than your Wisdom? Do your disappointments get more attention than your Promise?

God is greater than all. I believe He invites us all today to make Him our greatest focus in life; moment by moment, day by day.