#2042 – Praising God

Good morning people who are thankful for what God has done

In Luke 1 we see the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth who were people who faithfully served God despite not seeing an answer to prayer for many years. These two God-fearing people had prayed many times, believing, expecting and yet still waiting.

And then one day, when they were very old, God answered their prayers. Part of the process was Zechariah losing his speech until the baby was born. Now let’s hear what the first words out of his mouth were:

Luke 1:64 (NIV) Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue set free, and he began to speak, praising God.

The first thing Zechariah did was praise God.

And that triggered a few questions about prayer and praise that I would like us to think about today.

“What comes out of our mouth first when we see God answer prayer?”

“How much of our time is given to praise?”

“Do we praise as much as we pray?”