#109 – Walk Together

Good morning friends

Who do you walk life with? Who lifts you up when you are feeling down? Who speaks a word of encouragement into your heart? Who holds you accountable in the areas of challenge? Who asks you questions that are not just surface? Who cares about you enough to speak the truth in love? We all need people in our lives that we walk with. We were never created to live life in isolation. I’m not just talking about being around people and even having lots of friends; you can have all this and still walk alone. We need to open our lives up to a few people that commit their lives to walking with us.

If you have someone that is in this sort of relationship with you, maybe there are a few people, commit yourselves to honouring it. Stay open and transparent. Encourage them and value the friendship. Always ensure you are encouraging each other forward in God. Keep a heavenly perspective and walk this life together, more than you ever have before. Above all, cherish these relationships; they are a gift from God.

If there is no-one that you are walking life with on this level that is helping you to grow in God, then I encourage you to make this a priority of your life. You need someone to walk with you and to share your life with. You might be thinking you can’t force this or manufacture it and that’s true, but you can and you must be intentional about it. Ask God to connect your heart with someone. Make a choice to go to a deeper level and give regular time to share heart to heart. Don’t wait for it to happen, be the initiator. We need each other.

Genesis 2:18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Galatians 6:2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.

God bless you richly today.