#10 – Entrust

Good morning faithful people.

God has entrusted to every one of us precious things for a purpose. The word ‘entrust’ means ‘to give over (something) to another for care, protection, or performance’. This morning I pause and remember that God has entrusted to me several things and He expects me to look after them, to value them, to care for them and to do something profitable with them. Here’s a few:

1. My family. God Almighty has said “Steve, here’s Sally, Kirrily & Brianna and I want to entrust them into your care and protection”. This is an amazing privilege and responsibility.

2. My time. I don’t know how much time I have; none of us do; but God has given me time as a gift and expects me to live every moment of every day for His glory.

3. My gifts. Like the parable of the talents, God has entrusted to me gifts, not to bury in the ground and waste but to use for His glory.

God has entrusted every one of us with several things. Are we being faithful? Take a moment to look at the three things mentioned above and ask “Am I being faithful to the One who has entrusted these to me?” This is not dependent upon what others do; God is asking us today what we are doing with what He has entrusted to us.

Luke 12:48 To whom much has been given, much is required.

(The Message) Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities!