#770 – Delight First

Good morning people who love God deeply

(By David McCracken)

For me the greatest singular verse in the Bible on the subject of guidance is Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart”.

This scripture is well known but most often misunderstood. Many have taken it to mean that whatever they desire in life, God will give it to them. This is simply not so and the belief in that can lead to disillusionment.

The whole key to understanding this scripture is in three important words: “delight”, “give” and “desires”.

The word “delight” literally translated from the Hebrew means to be “most loving and responsive”, “to bubble over with the simplicity of a child”. Friends, the very first step in the process of God-given guidance is to learn the joy and simplicity of “bubbling over” when you are with Father.

So often we have such detailed agendas when we come before the Lord: petitions, intercession, proclamations, begging God for the breakthrough. All of these are legitimate but guidance begins with “bubbling over”: the overflow of a heart full of love, affection, gratitude and praise.

Let me encourage you today to stop for a moment, put the agenda aside, and just enjoy loving Father and being loved by Him.

(Today’s BIY written by David McCracken)