#5590 – Walk Boldly

Good morning people who walk confidently in the ways of the Lord.

Psalms 18:36 NIV You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way.

This is interesting wording, but it grabbed my attention. I read it in my devotional time in the Modern English Version (MEV), and this is how it reads:

Psalms 18:36 MEV You have lengthened my stride under me, so that my feet did not slip.

Here’s what I feel:

God is the one who provides the path itself and who causes us to walk in a way on that path where we do not slip and fall. Sure, we will make mistakes along the way as Father continues to sanctify us by His Spirit, but we can walk confidently as we follow the Lord’s leading.

The devil wants us to walk aimlessly and to flounder. The devil wants us to think that we have lost our way. The devil wants us to believe that it is too late, that we are too far gone, and that there is no return from our present darkness.

The devil is a liar!

You are not alone! You are not lost! You are not hopeless!

You are a blood-brought child of the Most High God! You are of royal birth by the Spirit of God! You have the Kinsman Redeemer as your guide as He leads you in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake!

There is nothing hap-hazard or left to chance about your life dear friend! If you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then you have entered from death into life, and now you and I are privileged to walk with the very author of life!

So, walk confidently. Walk boldly! Lengthen your stride as you walk with the Lord of hosts. You can trust Him to lead you.