#5286 – Looking Ahead

Good morning people who are getting ready to step into another new year.

Recently the Lord spoke to me and declared the following for 2023:

A year of “firsts” and “abundance” IN GOD.

My heart leaps as I mediate on this and as I start to see a limitless invitation deeper into God and His divine purposes – on earth as it is in heaven!

So, please join me over the coming days as we prepare to run into 2023 filled with prophetic revelation and a sense of holy awe, wonder and excitement of all that Father has planned for us and through us!

The first thing I want to draw our attention to in this prophetic statement is this: IN GOD.

It’s not about “firsts” or even “abundance”, as much as it is about IN GOD.

We could blaze our way into 2023 with lots of our own plans and ideas, including many things we want to start and do for the first time. This is not what Father is highlighting to us today.

Every “first” finds its legitimacy through its origin being IN GOD.

Please hear this today as we start our journey together towards a new year.

I declare by the Spirit of God, that we are on the cusp of greater things IN GOD!

I declare that there are new depths IN GOD to be discovered, explored and enjoyed!

I declare that IN GOD will always be more powerful than being in anything else!

IN GOD is where everything must be conceived, birthed, matured and ended.

How firmly rooted are you IN GOD?