#5231 – God is Greater

Good morning people who believe that God is truly greater than everything.

I have recently been stirred by God about this simple declaration:

God is greater!

On the surface, I am sure that we would all agree. But I am equally sure that many times we live like God is not greater.

Life can be challenging. There are questions, doubts, fears, hurts, betrayals, disappointments… The list can be endless.

And in these times, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by what is happening.

We don’t intentionally forget about God or reduce God to less than greater, but our thoughts, conversations and actions can clearly declare that we are not sure, or we are at least struggling with believing this truth.

And so over coming days, I am stirred to lean into this simple yet profound statement. We will look at some of the things that God is greater than.

I pray you are blessed and that your faith and trust in God is increased.