#2293 – Moved With Compassion

Good morning people who love others like Jesus does

Matthew 9:36 (NIV) When He (Jesus) saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

There are billions of people in our world today that are ‘harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd’.

Some of these people look just like us. Some of these people are really nice people; kind, considerate and generous. We would pass many of these people daily and not for a moment think that they need God. But they do, and Jesus has compassion on them.

Some of these people don’t look anything like us. Some of these people are the ‘worst kinds of sinners’; they are filled with hatred, murder, rage and perversion. We probably wouldn’t want to pass them on the street, yet we would probably all say they need God. Well, Jesus has compassion on them too.

Here’s the truth: Jesus saw the needs of people and was moved with compassion.

“What are we moved with?”

The truthful answer to this question does not lie in the words we would use to answer the question, but in our action towards people.

“Do we criticise, condemn, judge, accuse and react to people…or do we encourage, pray for, do good to and bless people?”  

The compassion of Jesus resulted in action; He met people’s needs by meeting them where they were at.

“Will we love enough to do the same?”