#2240 – Temptation

Good morning people who see temptation as Jesus did

We need a change of perspective: We need to see God as great as He is. But we also need a change of perspective about what happens in our lives. So often our attitude, our view, our opinion of things needs to change. Often we need to get things back into perspective; God’s perspective.

“When we are tempted, what is our perspective?”

So often, temptation itself appears debilitating. Temptation is often met with a sense of dread or being overwhelmed. It is not uncommon for people to think “What is wrong with me?” when they are tempted.

Maybe we need a change of perspective when it comes to temptation.

Rick Warren in ‘The Purpose Driven Life’ says, ‘Temptation is as much an opportunity to do good as it is to do evil’. Wow, that’s a change of perspective!

Jesus, God’s own Son, Perfect and Sinless, was tempted in every way just like us! There was nothing wrong with Him, and there is nothing wrong with us when we are tempted.

Jesus overcame every temptation because of the Spirit of God that was on Him and because of the power of the spoken Word of God from His lips. We too have the Spirit of God on us and in us! We too can walk in kingdom authority by living in submission to the Holy Spirit and declaring the truth of God’s Word! Temptation can be fuel that makes us stronger!

“Do you need to change your perspective on temptation today?”