#96 – What you do

Good morning obedient doers of the Word

The purpose of the Word is not knowledge; it’s life transformation, life change.

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

The Bible tells us that God’s people perish because of a lack of knowledge but it also says that knowledge can make people proud. Not knowing the Word is dangerous; we must know it. Knowledge that does not result in obedience leads to pride. Godliness only comes with knowledge that is followed by obedience.

Many are looking for a specific will of God; a prophetic word with a wow factor. The question is: How much of the prophetic Word which is contained in the written Word of God are you currently obeying and living? Many are looking for something different to what is written in the Word; something easier, less demanding and less costly. The will of God is found in the Word of God. There are no alternatives. Know the principles found in the Word of God and live by them.

Do you believe the Word of God is absolute authority?

Do you know the Word of God deep in your heart?

Do you live what you know?

Together let’s be ones who hold on to the Truth and let it transform our lives.