Good morning people who do your part to set heaven up for a celebration.
Luke 15:7 NIV “I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”
Luke 15:10 NIV “In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”
Let’s be honest, as Christians, we can subtly believe that we are superior, and possibly even believe that we are God’s favourites. There are times that Christians can even look down on those who aren’t Christians.
And yet Jesus said that heaven celebrates one sinner who repents more than heaven celebrates ninety-nine Christians who don’t need to repent. This is a big mind-shift for many!
We must guard against thinking that says Sunday meetings with lots of Christians is the pinnacle of our week and of our lives. I love it immensely, but Jesus modelled a passion and a pursuit of sinners. There were many times that He changed His plans in order to spend time with one sinner who needed to be saved.
At times, I fear that we do the opposite.
Jesus saw lost people as people, not as projects. He deeply loves sinners, so much so that He literally died for them. His heart and the Father’s heart is for none to perish. is this our heart too?
What priority does seeking and saving the lost have in our life?
My prayer is that none of us get so focused on and comfortable with our Christian circle of friends that we don’t even think about and actively spend time with the lost. I must be careful of this, and I admit that Father is challenging me.
Father, show us Your heart for lost people, and may we have the same heart too.