Good morning people who have the right view of our loving heavenly Father.
Proverbs 3:12 MEV For whom the Lord loves He corrects, even as a father the son in whom he delights.
In a scripture that is talking about the correction of God, we can far too easily miss the most important words: love and delight.
The word love here means to have affection for. This is not just talking about a choice to love, but it is clearly conveying the heart of our Father which is for us. It’s not just that He loves us, but God likes us – a foreign concept to many Christians.
The word delight here means to be pleased with. Now remember, this is talking about God correcting us, therefore, it’s in the context of God not liking sin, and yet He can still be pleased with us. This is a mystery and depth too wonderful for words by our perfectly pure and absolutely holy God.
I’m drawn to the gospel of grace; the good news about God’s unmerited favour and delightful pleasure towards us. This was extended to us while we were still sinners.
If this was His posture towards us when we were far away, why is it that we struggle to believe this is still His heart towards us when we have been brought near by grace through faith?
May these be days of a revolution of the love and delight of God being experienced and lived in by the children of God. I truly believe the world would take notice.