#5500 – God’s Light

Good morning people who live fully alive in the light of God’s love and goodness.

Luke 11:35-36 NIV “See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.

Father’s intention is for our lives to be just as full of light as when Jesus shines His light on us!

Oh how beautiful this is!

I know that this is an impossible standard for us to achieve. In and of ourselves, of course we will keep on falling short and missing the mark. Our own sufficiency is very insufficient.

But in Christ, well, that’s a different story!

The more we respond to the Holy Spirit as He lovingly points out areas and moments in our lives that are dishonouring to the Father, the brighter our light will shine. And this won’t be the result of us striving, but rather, it will be the overflowing evidence of the light of God shining more brightly in us.

A removal of hinderances will result in the intensifying of our light; of God’s light!

May our lives be a part of God’s glory being seen on the earth.