#5361 – True Worship

Good morning people who step into the realm of the Spirit to worship God.

How do you worship God?

John 4:24 NIV God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.

God is spirit. In fact, God is the Spirit. This is who He is, and this is the means by which we are instructed to worship God the Father.

Jesus tells worshippers to worship in the Spirit and in the truth.

As I meditate on this, I am drawn to the contrast of worshipping in the flesh and in our emotions based on facts. I’m not trying to be pessimistic here, but I do want to hear what the Spirit is saying.

There are times when I am singing a song to the Lord but I absolutely know that I am in the flesh. I am having a bad day in some way. My feelings are running high and words are coming out of my mouth, but my heart is far away.

To be clear, this is not about us feeling guilty for these moments. I’m sure we all have them. Sometimes we just need a little grace, and thankfully, God is very kind in this way.

That said, I also want to stir myself with the truth that is contained in this verse. I ask you to join me.

May we be ones, who in this self-saturated world, worship God in the Spirit and in truth. May we move past a fleshly response that likes or dislikes a song or is consumed with what is happening around us, and may our true focus be on the magnificence of God Himself.

May our lives and our lips bring glory to the One who is worthy of all of our praise and worship.

Watch the latest Fathering In The Prophetic episode here: #53 – God’s Provision And Our Stewardship.