#5338 – Praying Heaven’s Culture

Good morning people who realign to God’s priorities in prayer.

Matthew 6:9-10 NIV “This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

When our focus, passion and pursuit in prayer is intimacy with God and adoration of who He is, our prayers will start to reflect this. By this I mean, our prayers will start to take on the shape of His will and His authority, not just our own desires and agendas.

One of the greatest realignments that is coming to the body of Christ, is a focus on God’s will, not on ours.

Our prayer life can be a great mirror that reveals whether Father’s will or our own will is our priority. This is a sobering statement, but it is also an empowering statement to lead us into greater intimacy with God, and as a result, greater effectiveness in our prayers.

Jesus modelled how to live life submitted to His Father. His prayers were always focused on His Father in heaven, and His verbalised prayer was, “Not My will, but Yours be done.” How much more should this be our focus and prayer!

The priority of prayer is not to fix things down here, but to realign earth’s realities with heaven’s culture.

Oh, I pray the Holy Spirit is speaking to you today!

I feel the Father wants to draw you in deeper right now. I feel that the Holy Spirit wants to lead you into greater truth. I feel Jesus wants you to look to Him, and to step into the realm of the Spirit.

We don’t need more education about prayer – we need more revelation of what prayer is supposed to look like. In fact, we simply need more God-centred and heaven-focused prayer!