#5213 – God Wins

Good morning people who are part of God’s wonderful eternal plan and purpose.

John 17:12 NIV While I was with them, I protected them and kept them safe by that name you gave me. None has been lost except the one doomed to destruction so that Scripture would be fulfilled.”

The protection of God does not look like a life of ease and the absence of difficulties.

Jesus protected His disciples while they were with Him, yet there were still many challenges they faced along the way. Jesus Himself was protected by His Father and He died on a cross.

After Jesus left the earth and the Father was protecting the disciples, they suffered terribly and most of them were martyred for preaching Jesus.

Therefore, protection looks different than the idea that most Christians believe. And this is important because our view determines how we live.

The protection of God can really be summed up in this simple statement: The devil doesn’t win, God does!

Jesus died, but the devil did not win!

The disciples were martyred, but the devil did not win!

We walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but the devil does not win!

God’s protection is seen in our confident and complete trust in God regardless of what happens to us. The focus is on God still being God in our lives when natural evidence would try to persuade us otherwise.

In a storm, our eyes are still on Jesus – this is God’s protection.